Category - Carnal Life
Can’t You See Here How People Already Let This Message Into Their Hearts
This may be in a joking way but his Spirit is already turning this too Truth for him. When The moment comes to be tried he will fight with this massage in his heart, or...
Sorry I’ll have to dislike this angry message. Don’t try me because I fight! Foolishness & A Message that promotes no end to destruction. People vibe to...
We need the Most High to turn this world around!
At some point have you ever tried looking into a killer’s eye to see if you can see their soul or capacity for compassion?
Tell Me Truthfully: Who Is Right And Wrong Here, The Thieves Or The One Who Shot Them?Those who judge confirmed in their hearts that if you steal, it is right to stop...
We are witnessing the beginning of instant Karma because that is exact what judgement will look like. The Fires of that Day are instantaneous.