Category - News & Prophecy
If that day ever comes when the prisoners break out, what do you think will be the outcome. Soon this nation will no longer be able to hold back the Truth of the ever...
Tell me; can you name one single person who sees a bright future for the world. This is the proof of what time we are in.
Wow! But you have to admit, Trump’s crazy ways made every Nation uncomfortable. It would make sense that China wouldn’t act against a ballsy Man like Trump...
This world hasd been fighting against the laws of the most high, so they are left with the laws of the government officials, the modern day Pharisees & Sadducees.
There is One Nation that has the highest might and thereby authority in the world, when you grasp that, you will understand my title. Nations don’t protest, they...
Of course war starts when Nations race for the top to conquer the world because the Nation isn’t enough unto itself. The Nations themselves are as a single man...